Thursday, February 5, 2009

Speed (Up)Dating

Yeah yeah yeah...i DO REALISE i should update more often, i should get a facebook account, i should stop wasting my gym membership, i should save more money, i should clean the house more, i should spend more time doing meaningful stuff, blah blah blah...

if i did all of the above and more..i might as well go save the world and the economy right? let me be me...hahah..

so, starting from where i left off in Oct 08:

  • Our birthdays were totally uneventful. I can't even remember what we did to be honest...Our friend had his big three-oh though..heheh
  • Went on our first holiday in what, 2 or 3 years? Beijing now has a lot more to offer than the usual sights. If you do get a chance, do visit the little cafes and shops on nanluoguxiang (South Drum Lane) near the now-famous Lotus Market. Trip highlights include our nice little dinner of fried scorpions, silk worm larve and other oddities...lowlights? well, for the entire trip, we only managed one photo with each other..brillant!
  • Mere did very well in his exams if you must know. He even has a CPA cerfiticate to prove his place in the top 2.6% percentile *beams*.
  • Talking about school..makes me angry that Curtin upped school fees by 3.5%!! damnit!!
  • i've signed up for a sewing class...please don't let me break the needles again...after which Mere and I are thinking of attending a Bahasa class...please lah, we are not those poseur types..choosing French or Italian lessons can..we are practical people..Bahasa is a good-to-have in our work...
  • Mere is on a rampage...healthy living and all that...its working for him..but the salads are boring me to tears....i may start a i-hate-lettuce campaign soon...hmm..on deeper thoughts, i think it's just his ruse to stop me from eating out so often...not happy!
  • Talking about turning 30, our friend finally bought his CAR last week. :)
  • I'm trying to find another dog that looks like Shiro...
  • Oh yeah, and coz we loved our trip back to Singapore in Dec so much we are coming back again soon. June 24th's the date and coz we are only back for a week, please clear your diaries and think of places to go ok?...lesbian nights optional..

nah, don't say i never update arr....