Monday, July 23, 2007

Backlog No. 1

Being that I have delayed my start into the blogging community for like what, the last 2-3 years...I envisioned my blogging genesis to be horrifically long-winded (which I admit I am) and possibly damn out-dated as well since I would probably talk about stuff that happened months or even years ago...

A lot of which I am about to blog about (over the next few weeks perhaps) have been told to friends and technically there is nothing new...but I still want to talk about them coz..well, I dunno...coz it amuses me and I want to remember these things forever?!?

ha...some of these things can be so lame and so simple...but I still crack up when I see/hear/read about them...maybe I am seriously doesn't take a lot to give me laughing fits...

One of the more recent funny things I have come across is Little Becky. *Bear with me Andrea, you have probably heard the funniest one...but trust me, there's more where it came from* ...she is the smartest and funniest little Irish girl or 'lovely lass' as they would cute is she??

You guys got to seriously hear these Becky Classics to see what I mean:

- Little Becky wants to demolish her school
- Little Becky rings comedian Des Bishop
- Little Becky's issue with spare tyres
- Little Becky wants to be a Footballer's wife
- Little Becky sorts out her lazy Dad

Sorry guys...I can't do fancy shit with this bloody thing no such thing as mp3 streaming...for now anyway....

Hope these amuses you as much as it does for me...


Anonymous said...

I love little Becky too! Only heard the "school demolishion". Didn't know there were so many. Vary funny. Makes me wanna move to Ireland so Mia can end up with Becky accent.

Blaeck said...

You are so funny! Don't have to explain your blogging procrastination history you know...but its so amusing to read