Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hello World!

Ahem...testing testing...

As most may know, I have procrastinated signing up for a blog for the longest time. I guess it is just that I am worried about various things, from having nothing intelligent to say to simply I don't want to do something unless I can give it a decent go...

So anyway, I have decided to rope in Mere and start up with small expections that people might find us at least a wee bit interesting and perhaps even entertaining enough to read our drivel (as mere puts it: "who wants to read crap about other pple's lives")....hmm...but let's not be pessimistic and see how it goes...

Basically all I am going to say is that it took me this long to finally dip my toes in...please give us virgin bloggers some support...thank you thank you thank you...


Anonymous said...

Drumroll please....Finally, a blog from someone I know. It'll be familiar, yet voyeuristic at the same time. hmm.. can't wait to try it out. Cheers to your maiden effort!

Anonymous said...

welcome! blog more hor.
