Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Entry 2

Back for more of my rants eh?

I liken blogging to office politics ... cheap, nasty but in today's society apparently a necessity.

From this point forward, use the words, "blogging", "ass-licking", "brown-nosing", their equivalents and grammatical permutations, interchangeably*

To blog or not to blog ... that's not a question ... it's a demand.

To get accepted as part of the inner circle and climb the ladder of achievment we must have a go at blogging. Any "great" person these days worth (or believed to be worth) their salt, blogs.

Check out some of the websites of the biggest companies on earth (e.g. Oracle, Wal-Mart (world's biggest company btw ... take that Exxon!))and you'll undoubtedly find blogs in them from employee/bloggers trying to get ahead in life (or perhaps under duress...)

Question is, do you believe in ass-licking? and do you believe the sweet nothings muttered during a good brown-nosing? (check out the Basic Candy Buyer's Assistant's proclaimation: "There is not another company I would rather work for than MY Wal-Mart!"). No? And yet there is a swing towards using this un-edited, un-governed media as a source of information?

I've had to think about this lately at work ... to blog or not to blog? Is another rung up the corporate ladder worth my dignity, self-respect and friendships? Hmm ...
The pondering continues ....

Close entry.

-if you've been too thick to understand *, my company does not literally have a blog ...

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