Wednesday, January 23, 2008

all the stupid little things that made me laugh's all your fault...who ask you to whinge abt my lack of blog posts?....after that one post i did last week, i got hooked on youtube (again!)....and funny msn conversations no less...

yes, i do appreaciate the fact that i get to laugh myself silly...and in many cases i actually laugh until my stomach cramped up...shiro now thinks i am insane and has been ignoring all polite requests to come to me ever since...

comedy, especially those with physical violence involved, transcends all languages and cultures...some things just don't need any explainations...put it simply, just watch! i'm sure you will get it!

is it just me or are these type of game-shows seriously hilarious? i don't believe i am the only one (plus mere) that thinks this makes excellent entertainment for after work...

Monday, January 14, 2008

For the lack of a better title...

i'm officially disgusted with my procrastination for all things web-based...disgusted enough to drag my sorry-self back to this blog...but not enough to open up a facebook "official" stand is that i blame gmail for not giving me a decent alias..and besides...i doubt pam has started her sue me...

i really thought i was gonna write something before know, about

- Christmas (parties)

- Highs and Lows of 2007

- and everything else from Nov onwards

but laziness has got the better of back with my old company, i seem to have lost all my free time and interest in starting up the comp when i come home...

i have now decided to kick myself in the ass (if that is even possible)..and pick up the let me fill you guys in....

In case anyone forgot...just a few days before posting my massive load of company Christmas cards**** (the post office pple actually asked me to go home and come back the next morning coz i had 2 boxes of cards to send...) it was Mere's birthday, and as you can see, he wasn't too pleased getting closer to the big three-oh...

i wasn't there when he made that face...this was taken at his office carpark (of all places) coz Ren & Sylvia made him muffins and decided to have the "party" there...he got golf clubs from me btw, so that kinda made up for the low spirit...i hope!

*** that explains the lack of Christmas cards this year to all family and friends...sorry sorry sorry...i was too overwhelmed with the crowd at the Post Office...i didn't know Perth had that many pple, seriously!

Nov/Dec is always a good time at the office...sales are usually pouring in the door and it's near the holidays..everyone's in great spirits! of the first "parties" after i came back was a end-month lunch to celebrate great sales (what else?)...played supagolf in the morning and spent the afternoon at Ferals getting pissed drunk....

we took turns wearing the cap and taking crazy photos of each other...this was mine...the rest were better left unseen...

no point sharing all my work let's carry on with the parties! the next big party was the Christmas boat trip to Rottnest...the skies were blue the sea was green and the fish were gi-normous..

unfortunately, i had no pictures to show for it...coz i was ill...sick on the way there and on the way back...let me just say it was super unglam to throw-up in front of your boss and work mates...never to be repeated i guarantee....and just for i wasn't drunk...and at the very least my breakfast was probably what attracted the fish to our boat in the first place...

anywho...then that brings us to Christmas and New Year's which went by in a hurry....had great plans to spring clean the house..and like you and I know (knew)...that wasn't going to happen and it didn't....ha!

i did vacuum and wipe the place down for our Christmas party at home...but didn't throw out all my crap...too disracted by the new evaporative air-conditioning we have just put in and my serials...

i so have to rave abt the fabulous that even Shiro didn't have to go for his summer-shave this year (makes him look like a cue ball, not a good look i assure u...) and we didn't even realised that temperatures soared to 44 C during the Christmas break...aint that great? for the first time in 7 yrs...summer has simply by-passed happy :)

then just before the year was up...Mere made another happy purchase...we finally got rid of the fat box of a TV and upgraded to a slimmer, sleeker 50-inch plasma....hehehehe...don't have to wear glasses to watch my serials...extremely much better now to perv on the DOA bikini-clad chicks (who cares if they are not REAL)....wahahahaha....

i shall close this entry with what i would like to achieve in 2008, in hope that you my friends, will push me to stay on track when i stray off the planned route...and give me encouragement when i need it the most...

1) this is a classic: i shall endeavour to stay on a healthy exercise plan. Note: this is not a diet plan..coz that is just simply setting myself up for failure (i love food..need i say more?)...our gym membership has started..i am aiming to go to the gym at least 3 times a far so good...but freakin RPM is so boring...and i can't stop yawning on the elliptical trainer...any tips (other than TV and music) to keep myself from getting bored while exercising?

2) work-wise, i hope to make 2008 a positive one for me...i hope to grow and i hope to learn...i have an excellent bunch of workmates and i wld like to keep that up...nothing is better than to go to work knowing that i will laugh and enjoy my time away from no stressing over the little bits and pieces, and go with the flow!

3) with Mere, there is nothing more i can ask for...we are happy, healthy and very comfortable with our lives...i do not ask for anything else...i just want to carry on with this stability in our relationship which we have worked so hard for over the last 12 years... :)

4) i wish i had more time with my family..but with the distance and lots of other factors, it is simply not practical...honestly this is beginning to bug me a lot more than it used to...tho sad that my sis won't be joining me here in Perth, but in some ways, i am glad Joy is staying in there will always be someone i can count on to pass on my love to my parents and aunty...i think 2008 is time that i think abt coming home for a while and also to ensure that i call my parents more often...

so help me out guys...this will be my guidance to life for 2008...come December, don't make me look back at this entry with regret...i want to be able to put a tick against all the above!