Wednesday, January 23, 2008

all the stupid little things that made me laugh's all your fault...who ask you to whinge abt my lack of blog posts?....after that one post i did last week, i got hooked on youtube (again!)....and funny msn conversations no less...

yes, i do appreaciate the fact that i get to laugh myself silly...and in many cases i actually laugh until my stomach cramped up...shiro now thinks i am insane and has been ignoring all polite requests to come to me ever since...

comedy, especially those with physical violence involved, transcends all languages and cultures...some things just don't need any explainations...put it simply, just watch! i'm sure you will get it!

is it just me or are these type of game-shows seriously hilarious? i don't believe i am the only one (plus mere) that thinks this makes excellent entertainment for after work...

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