Friday, February 1, 2008

Best Wishes

I am a bad friend...if you had asked me even just 2 years ago...i didn't think i'll become this jaded, grouchy, cynical, "unfeeling" friend....

dana said so damn 2008 resolutions didn't even mention friends...shit, i am really terrible...

I have always thought that i am those, you know, will-go-to-the-ends-of-the-world-for-you (even if you were super super unreasonable) kind of friend...sadly, that seems to be no longer who i am...

stupidly, I made promises i cldn't really keep...right after uni...i basically told myself that i will definitely go back to EVERYONE'S be there at your special day...but guess what...right after our wedding in Sept 2006, i missed the first in a whole string of weddings....

sorry Eying...i know you said you didn't mind...but i still feel regretful till now...esp after reading ur last entry abt ur dress...sigh...i didn't even know you felt this jokingly, i've always pestered you to have the wedding dinner...well, it's just an attempt to make myself feel better...selfish i know...

there were a few more in between, but pple probably decided might as well not ask...hahaha...i don't blame them really...

tomorrow is going to be another day like this....sorry girl, i really wish i cld make it...but the timing is really off...might all sound like excuses at this stage, but i really can't...all i can say is that if circumstances weren't what they are now, i wld have made it back regardless...

i truly wish you all the happiness in the whole wide world...enjoy your day and don't worry too much about making it a perfect...marriage is for's not just about the wedding relax, take deep breaths and smile smile smile....

So here's to you and Mark: Have a great married life, and don't forget to look back at this wonderful day and think how lucky you two are....

Siheng: I think you are probably the next in my whole line of friends...sorry if i what i said to you over the last few days stressed you out...really didn't mean for it to be like that...sorry sorry sorry...i sincerely do hope that you and Eurris can manage to pull this off without much you know lah, if you need any help (or if you have to ask obvious questions) come talk to me and eying ok?

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