Tuesday, March 4, 2008

see you guys on saturday!

it's 10pm over here now...it's my bedtime...but my lazy ass isn't as organised as it used to be...

at least i did manage to get everyone presents...i seriously DON'T CARE if your '08 resolution is/was to lose weight...

there really isn't much of a point for this entry, except that i just wanted to notch up another entry before i leave...orginally there was going to be a super long post about what we did when joy was here...but seriously, that is like so last month lah...so forget it...i'll just summarise it here in one word: Karaoke...i think if the uptopia guys see us again, S.H.E and JAY CHOU will spring to mind...i have been avoiding that part of Northbridge ever since....and no Joy, we have not gone to check out CROWN for you....

*deep breath out* i still have not packed my suitcase,i need to do a dishwasher run, i need to find clothes to wear to work tomorrow...i know my mum's gonna be pissed when i tell her that the water filters she wanted are all sold out....and i miss shiro already...damnit!

i am getting all cranky now...better go...ok, i'm signing off here...see you all in lovely Singapore...i'll give you guys a call when i get in...


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Transplante de Cabelo, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://transplante-de-cabelo.blogspot.com. A hug.

Anonymous said...

omg am i gonna have to DIE before i see another update on this site?
