Tuesday, October 21, 2008

1 down, 1 more to go...

well, another 2 more papers for us if you count his...at least he's finishing up on this friday...so i don't have to get my own birthday dinner from KFC like i did a couple of years ago...besides, it's a friday so no KFC!!!

someone's pretty uptight about the upcoming exams...
"don't like that lah..can give me a nice photo or not?"

well, at least it wasn't the middle finger....

someone else can always study and sit the CPA exam for you....

my next one's an open book so i am feeling pretty relaxed about it...my plans for the rest of the week is to complete an assignment (nearly done!) and hopefully consolidate my notes in some semblance of order before the open book exam...

the exam is be done online...you have a whole week to get it done but you only have one shot....originally it was going to be released from the 3rd Nov onwards but i will be flying off on the 2nd and seriously, no stable internet connection in Kolkata apparently...so i requested to sit for the exam earlier...the lecturer's so nice...he opened it early for everyone! hahaha...

on that note, folks, i'll be away for 3 weeks from the week of 3rd Nov onwards...don't miss me too much :) As usual, I'll get my stop-overs in Singapore (good ol' SQ)...so listen up pple....take out your diaries/blackberrys/whatevers and take down these dates...
  • 2nd Nov, Sunday - Back for one day, flying off at 9pm on 3rd Nov, Monday
  • 7th Nov, Friday - Back for the weekend with a colleague..flying off on 10th Nov. Monday
Pam, we can celebrate your bday early on the weekend? or would you prefer to spend the celebrations with someone else? :P

I know there's a very small window of opportunity and everyone's really busy...if we can't meet up we can't meet up...i'll be back again in Dec :)

Oh Oh...before I go, I thought I'll leave you guys with this photo taken at Taboo when I was back in Sept...luckily i don't look fat-faced in this!! and i do have to apologise for that guy's nipples..really marred the otherwise lovley shot...-_-

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