Sunday, July 22, 2007

Entry 1

For me, this blog is about selling my dog's sexual services as much as it's being about my disdain for blogs....

If you choose to continue reading, you will hear a tirade of abuse focused on this stupidity that a community of loser nerds term "the blog".

You have been warned....

What? ... you still reading?!?!

Ok ...

Does anybody really give a toss about the drivel that is being spewed on this scourge of the internet ... we have come to know as "the blog"?

Btw, does anyone know the origin of the word? ... guess not ...
wikipedia does ... check out the pic of the 'early blogger' ... your fore-father... shame he managed to breed...

A medium that because is cheap seems to give even the most pathetic authors a license to publish their mind-numbing crap.

I've only recently been made to read the literary contributions of some apparently 'top bloggers' (some characters called Xiaxue another one called Karen Cheng) gosh! the content is so worthy of the Pulitzer prize .... NOT.

Why is there this fascination with the lives of others? It's like an extension of the love of reality tv ... goodness... the great content!! like watching hair grow... have we no lives of our own that we have to live vicariously through some (likely to be made up) bullshit adventures? ...

What's that? you actually believe that these jokers have unlimited time and funds to go out and live la vida everyday and then rush back to their computers to share it with you? ... how about that daily life stuff ... good god!! my life is boring enough not to want to check out how "more boring" some other twit's could be ...

So why do people read these ratings and assist these loons in making advertising dollars because you have contributed to their hit count? Why are you reading this now???

Strange ... the pondering continues...

Close entry.

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Anonymous said...

seriously meredith.


Kim, Meredith & Shiro said...

tough titties.

Anonymous said...

Meredith, try this guy from NY. MetroDad He is sharp, sarcastic and funny. Kinda remind me of you.