Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Random Stuff

We got invited to dinner by Mere's colleague (a very nice girl, Sylvia) a few Saturdays ago...a fresh thing for us coz, you know, Mere is not exactly the most sociable..was pleasantly surprised when he said we were gonna have plans for that Saturday...

Anyways, dinner turned out really well and we played our very first proper game of poker....Sylvia's friends even had the plastic cards and chips! Great for Mere...he finally got to do what he have always dreamt about - SHOW HAND (a la God of Gamblers) But yah lah...as usual...guess who's money he showed-hand with?...he was already cleaned out by then...so basically with that one Show-Hand he cleared my chips, effectively bankrupting both of us....the irony in that was the pile of chips he showed-hand with was actually won by me in a round of show-hand too....ok ok...I am not a fantastic poker player alright? I put all my chips in only coz I had a set of flush...heheheh...kiasu (or rather, kiasi) I know but still a spectacular win right?

Lost $40 in total, both of us combined...Nonetheless, all in the name of good fun....as what my auntie used to call it..."pay school fees" loh...

Not sure if we did get any decent photos for that nite of poker...check with Mere on that one...

The Lost Art of Cocktails
"Discovered" this bar in Northbridge two Fridays ago...I said "Discovered" only coz we have walked past it during our last 6-7 yrs here but never thought about going in...now I am so hooked!! The band on Friday nite is superb...and most importantly, the cocktails there are fabulous!!!...All freshly-squeezed by the way...haha I can say its healthy, full of vitamin C lah...see, it's winter and I haven't had my cold yet...

I really hate the usual pre-mixed lousy sweet stuff they try and pass off as cocktails in most of the popular joints....seriously, where are all the pple who can make you the world's best cocktail from freakin fresh ingredients?..ok lah, sure the alcohol is not "fresh ingredient" per se...but you know what I mean...

When I pay for a cocktail....coz it's so fancy you wanna charge me more for it, fine..then you jolly well make it a helluva good cocktail..I want the fruit, mint leaves and god knows what other heavenly stuff you put in to be hand-smashed into an unrecognisable pulp...chuck said pulp into a chilled shaker ( I said CHILLED) and give it a really good shake (plus some smooth moves please) before pouring into a perfectly decorated (no ugly umbrellas or pineapples for me, thanks!) and chilled (again, I say CHILLED) martini glass rimmed with salt crystals...perfect for a friday nite drink...celebrating the fact that we have not strangled the boss or slit our throats yet...

My favourite at the bar? Mmmmm...Chilli & Ginger Margaritas...most pple I know don't share my enthusiasm for Tequlia, not to mention the addition of chilli (gasps!) and ginger (eeks!)...u guys dunno what u r missing man....imagine sipping your cocktail, waiting for the alcohol to work its voodoo...then it hits you..the wonderful spice and kick....frighteningly exhilarating...

OOO...can't wait for Friday...missed one last week coz although I brought Jelly to the bar, she wasn't keen on my choice of poison...see what I mean about not many being enthusiastic about the Chilli & Ginger Margarita?...still, we had a good nite and I got to try another cocktail - Luscious Limbo

In a word of fairness, I did go to another bar (strangely called a deli dunno why...I can tell u for sure the prices are not what you can find at the local deli!) recently...on our "wedding anniversary" no less...whose bar staff are just as apt at making cocktails from fresh ingredients...but sadly, aside from chilled shakers and glasses, the other most important thing to me is that my drink simply cannot taste like cough syrup...

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
No I didn't get to read it at 9.02am WST on 21st July 2007. You must know by how Mere reacts when it comes to money and fads....

A few months back:

Whinger: "Why can't I pre-order the freakin book? it's only $29.95!"

Stingy-Miser: "Coz in a couple of weeks after the first release it will cost $19.90 at K-mart"...you guys can see how the conversation went right...

but he is right...it's not that big a deal for me after the initial whinging...I only paid $25.99 for the book a mere 4 days later..haha..yah lah..I know, $4 savings...like damn great liddat...

I am not simply gonna talk abt how great it felt to save $4 (Mere: Up Yours Rowling!)...I just want to say how depressed I was after reading it...damn damn damn...maybe I am sensitive but I got all teary...what a nut job right?

My eyes welled-up when I read to the part where Fred, Lupin & Tonks died. So sad....especially Fred lah...

Aside from giving me "shallow eyelids", I've got another question...maybe it's just me...I'm not the ultimate fan so I admit I might have missed some details...at the part where Harry goes visit his parents' graves...it is written that his parents died on 31st Oct 1981...obviously we all know Harry was a baby then...debatable if he was a year old already...but that is not the point...the point is doesn't that make Harry older than moi?? and I thought he was meant to be 17?

I always thought the books were written in today's day and age..have I missed something for the last 10 years?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cocktails with fresh juices and stuff.. sounds good!

And I was all teary too when "blank", "blank" and "blank" died! But I must go and check out that date thing... maybe it's set in the 90s or something? There was never a mention of a current day date as far as I can remember, so techinically Rowlings can get away with it.