Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Eeeny Meeny Mynee Mo...Should I Stay or Should I Go?

I know this has been a pretty hot topic of late...

It is rather difficult to decide as, seriously, who can be sure of what's gonna happen in the future? If someone out there does..pls, forget answering my above question...just tell me what's the winning number for the saturday lottery thanks!

I can't believe I am finding it so hard to make up my mind...I am usually quite decisive...not that I make really good decisions all the time...but hey, I rather not waste time thinking...just do it lah...won't kill me!

So here I am after..hmm...2 weeks?...and I am still thinking...very irritating you know...this feeling of not being able to make up my mind...so...let's do a poll shall we?

Just one small request folks...as this is quite an important thing to me...please read what I have to say first and then give me a response...and no, I wld prefer if it's not a simple yes/no answer...pls try and convince me...coz I really need a very good PUSH or PULL...

Ok here goes...

This is what I have come up with so far:

Scenario 1 - I should stay because....
1) This is a proper marketing role...varied tasks with lots of room to grow...great on my CV
2) It has only been less than 6 months..I should give this company/job another shot...don't give up easily
3) Direct Manager seems to be trying to re-define my role...make me feel more confortable
4) The pay is not fantastic but still great...even if I an unhappy, at least I have my pay
5) Colleagues are great
6) The new job that I found is good but not great..not even a marketing role...

Scenario 2 - I should leave because....
1) These variety of tasks put together is quite an unreasonable work load..mgt also have their unreasonable expectations (ie: don't give me directions but expect me to know what they are looking for...am I GOD?)
2) Quite a few things have happened recently that made me doubt myself...whether or not I am right to doubt my abilities...to me, the damage is kinda done...confidence levels are pretty low at the moment
3) The efforts of the Manager just made me more inclined to believe he thinks I don't take enough initiatives...so again, I feel pretty down and I don't feel like asking him abt the issue...
4) I found another job that potentially can pay me the same..different industry, different role...whole new attraction all together
5) one person that although we can be friends..I cannot work with...quite an obnoxious character...
6) New job may open the door to a new career path

I know there is always "scenario 3"...that is wait for a good marketing job to come along..then no qualms abt jumping ship right? hahah...easily said than done...but don't worry..I have begun the hunt...and still hunting...

The above 2 scenarios are pertinent only to my situation NOW....that might change...but who knows when...

Any comments would be welcomed and considered.. :)

Post note 1

haha..just suddenly remembered another reason to add to Scenario 1...as stupid as it may sound...you guys dunno ok...i am scared of serving the one month notice...can be so eaten alive...

tho I mus say if I do tender...i will try to get them to let me serve 2 wks instead..since I get paid every 2 wks anyways..so dun have to wait till month end...

1 comment:

Blaeck said...

I think you should find a job and come back to singapore next year when I go back! havent seen you in sooooo loooong....stoopid meredith, steal my friend away. *throws sheep at meredith*

or we pack meredith and hei for holiday together and we go holiday ourselves....what are the 2 men gonna talk about! oh who cares....