Monday, August 27, 2007

Entry 3

Blogs .. as we have established, it's not fresh and young ... it's just become older bolder and more in your face and hangs around like a bad smell... much like old men ...

Why is it that when people get old they get annoying, weird and impudent? Like this nutter beside me on the plane .... must be in his late 60's ... normally a person would feel rather pai-seh to get up and down in the plane to get shit from the overhead locker ... but noooo ... old people don't give a shit about what others think now do they?

This trip to Bali, contrary to everyone's belief, was a working trip.

This was my office:

It was really hard ... the accommodations were appalling:
I mean seriously! what's with all that water just outside the balcony?

The mine site itself was in a remote area (try middle of nowhere) only accessible by company seaplane ... the trip was long and arduous ... and there was nothing much to see on the way in:

The mine site itself? well it was pretty big ...


And all we had were seafood restaurants ... man ... shocking really ...

So after 5 days of hard labour, it's back to Bali enroute back to Perth ...

I really need to talk to my boss .... the poor treatment is simply unacceptable ... i'm threatening class action ...

Due to this injustice, I've decided to thumb my nose at company policy ... smuggling "fan ban" dvds, 400 cigarettes and 10 indonesian cigars!! Can you imagine what they are worth in the black market over here?

Anyway ... blogging sucks ... piss off! I'm a fat, tired and angry old man and I can say what I like ...

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Yearning for company tonight? Call Shiro ... Anytime ... Anyplace ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll stab you in your sleep if I were Kim.... with the week that she's had. Injustice knows no bounds.