Monday, August 20, 2007

Let's talk about Happy Things

Ok, let me first start off with something not so happy...Mere is away for a week in Bali...I know, how dare he leave me with my shitty job right? haha...but it's ok lah...he is not holidaying but on work training...and he has promised to buy me stuff!! He'll be back with pictures I'm sure...we've just bought a new camera...Also, now that he is away the comp is all mine....hahahah

It's not like I am totally fine at work...But yah, I know I should not dwell on, let's talk about happy things...I must say I have had a couple of good weekends...much deserved I reckon...for all the crappiness that I have to put up with during work...

2 weekends ago, I met up with my cousin Patricia...she was here on a short holiday and wanted to meet up coz my aunty had something to pass to me...guess what folks...the gift couldn't be any timelier...I now have 7 new serials to watch!! If each serial averages around 30 episodes, with each episode being roughly 45 you know that equates to 9450 mins worth of vegging out in front of the TV???? Super Cool!

No lah, dun be think I am like when I was 20 meh? I am getting old plus I still have to drive myself to work every morning...I wun finish watching them all till probably next year...I just finished a 40-episode serial recently...took me a grand total of 1 that slow or what...very unlike me isn't it?

Sorry, I got to digress, that SHOW is one of the best recent serials I have watched!!

And just on Saturday Mere and I went to the City to get our new camera...the ancient digital camera we have has decided he wanted to retire...understandable...he was like the first generation digital we unashamedly, with his blessings, upgraded to a hotter, younger model...
Since Mere had an outbound ticket to Bali, we could buy the camera at the duty-free store...cheaper mah...anyway it's not the camera I want to rave's the fact that it cost only $320 and yet it came with a free return ticket to Adelaide! How great is that? I know alot of pple think that Adelaide is like the slums or something...but having been there 3 times...I can honestly say, there is a lot more happening there than right here in, I really look forward to going back there again...this time with a new camera and a blog...I'll be able to share Adelaide with you guys... :)

Oh yah, and also my MIL came back from Singapore on Saturday nite...and up till then I was still using a camera-less, mp3-less, colour-less mobile phone....I am now a proud owner of a daddy-sponsored, brand-new mobile phone...yay!!
Pls...I haven changed my phone for the last 5 let this sua-ku wallow in her excitement for a while longer ok?

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