Sunday, August 19, 2007

I'm soooo over it

I am so over it...I have spent weeks thinking left, right and centre about what should I do with my job...

Something happened on Friday (I HATE you) which caused me to make up my mind on a few things...I have come to the following conclusions:

A) The job is not for me/I am not up to the challenge/My skills are not those that are required
B) The company is shit/The bosses are shit/Not my fault

Whichever is doesn't matter anymore...much that I want to stay...I think it is time to leave before things become uglier...

thank you made me realised it doesn't matter if A or B is the is a simple case of incompatibility btw me and the job...hence time to put a stop to all this (sis, it's time to type your resignation letter!)

so back to the drawing board...I have to re-evaluate what I wanna do and make sure I have the appropriate skills and qualifications to match...

I'm so tired...just want to be happy...why is it so hard?

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