Sunday, August 12, 2007

Catching Up

The plan started with Naz msning me two weeks ago...Naz wanted to take me out to lunch on the new company credit card she got (damn, how come I never got a credit card while I was at Surpac!?)..for the help I gave her for the June maintenance run...

I really didn't want to be paid for the "help"...I mean, I did it really just coz I will feel bad if it fucks itself anyway...I just told her why not we go for need for the company to foot the tab...

Then it turns out that Jared was leaving Surpac too (ok, I should stop saying Surpac...they are with the commies now) so I asked Jared if he wld like to come to drinks with us (ie: Naz, Mere & Me)....from there I found out that 2 other ex-colleagues were leaving mass exodus...

Long story short...their farewell drinks were organised on the same day as the drinks I was of course Jared cldn't come by himself...more ex-colleagues were invited...I booked a table for 12 but it ended up with only 6 of us...pretty embarassing...

Tho only 6 of us...but it was the "right" group of us...It felt so nice to see everyone again....I missed you all!!!

You know, I think the mass exodus wouldn't have happened...had it not been for the commies...Surpac was really a fabulous place to work at...great colleagues...wonderful bosses who were not overly o'clock at 4pm every friday...etc...

I can keep going with how great Surpac was...I know I chose to left...but I had no choice...

I had to leave coz I was seriously getting pissed off with our overseas offices (shall not name countries here) and the fact that there was no career future for me at was all controlled by head office in Vancouver...

Drinks tonight really have sparked off a whole lot more job/career/money related issues for me...I am unhappy at my current job...but I dunno what to do about it...

If I leave:

  1. Does that mean I was "wrong" to leave Surpac?
  2. Does that mean that I was not ready for the new job in the first place?
  3. Does that mean I am a loser coz I didn't try hard enough at my current job?
  4. Does it mean that a marketing role is just not my cup of tea (the horror!)
BUT the million dollar question is: will leaving actually make me happy?

How do I know if I will be happy in the next job I take up? Do I want to continue in a Marketing role? Did I bite off more than I could chew when I took up this job that offered me more money (more money = more responsibilities?)?

I think just let me grovel over this somemore...hopefully I can get a clearer perspective on what I want to do with myself sooner rather than later...

And just in case anyone is,quit working altogether is not an option...tho supported by Mere...but I don't think I can do it...for now anyway...

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