Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I know at this point in time I shouldn't even think of "celebrating"...but it's the weekend...and we have nothing better to we went to EAT loh...our "dates" have always revolved around going to a restaurant anyway...

Mere kindly reassured me that tho i have joined the ranks of the unemployed (for the time being), he can still afford to feed my face...reeaaaallllll nice issit he?

Mere picked this place that he had no idea where it was except that it was around the Fremantel area...yup, no idea...we only decided to go there after we hopped into the car, so yes we could have checked the web...but we don't usually lug our laptops around like some pple i know...

Thankfully Mere had the common sense to heard towards the river and just drive along that stretch...found it pretty quickly...pretty quirky to the river bank and near a flyover when the band plays..the sounds reverberating off the concrete kinda gives the whole area a pretty cool vibe...

Apparently The Left Bank is pretty popular...but as I was not a born and bred Perthsian...i had no clue about this place at all...the only Left Bank i know is in France...

Like any Freo restaurant...seafood is the predominant item on the menu...everything was pretty pricy and honestly, seafood doesn't interest me much...especially "normal" stuff like fish and chips....

Knowing Mere, I knew that we will be ordering the tasting plate...and coz I knew the servings were going to be pretty small, I ordered a oyster and seafood chowder to share...

Verdict? I was right about the food portions...don't get me started on food portions...having been here for so long...I have grown to expect large servings on even larger plates...if I can finish the's not generous enough!!..yeah, its the fatty talking...but really, why is it that prices have increased so much over the last few years, but our plate sizes have shrunk?? Don't give me the crap about healthy eating ok...if i want to eat healthy, i can make my own salad at home...

The chowder was ok...but not enough's like the chowder was watered down and then liberally salted...yes, there were quite a bit of seafood pieces in there...but the taste was really just so-so...

Thank goodness for the company tho :) Great company makes even the crappiest food taste like heaven...

Altho the experience wasn't as great as I expected...I will go back again...I believe in second chances...who knows, maybe the cook was off sick that day? Maybe the ingredients were not as good that day?...or simply, I think I might order the lamb shanks next time...hahaha...and I shall remember to leave some space for dessert too...

I shall leave you with a pretty picture of us foodies...

Yeah Yeah...I am fat becoz I love food...tell me something new ok?...

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