Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Life as I see it right now...

It's been, what, 2.5 days since I left that am I feeling?...haha...pretty relaxed and happy actually...

I get up at whatever time I like...without my usual panic of how much time I have left to slap on moisturiser and make-up, thinking if I still have time to put on mascara without poking my eye out...running to start the car up...deciding which pair of black shoes to wear...

I've been very TV at all during the, no Cath, I haven't been watching Oprah & Dr. Phil..hahha...I didn't even touch my DVDs...

Afternoons are spent having a quick lunch at home or out at the shops...ducking into the supermarkets for a few grocery items or even at the cafe having an ice-coffee and strawberry shortcake...mmmmm....nice as it may sound...but I do find sitting somewhere with a magazine pretty boring...i'll rather lie on my bed to read to be honest! So, i'll usually be back home in less than 2 hrs...

While at home, i'm parked in front of the comp for a good portion of my mornings and afternoons....the job hunt has been pretty ok so far...nothing exciting...but yes, there are stuff are there for me... but i think i must have hit the download quota...the connection is so slow...i am growing old just waiting for the page to load....damn optus!

it's nearly 5pm now...time to do another of my most favourite thing in the world...i think i haven cooked dinner in months... now that i am home...i can be bothered to make yummy stuff for dinner!! So happy just writing about it...

On tonite's menu is Emperor Chicken and a simple dish of stir-fried garlic chives and chicken gizzards...ok..enuf of me rambling on...need to go steam the chicken liao...

Tata ~

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