Wednesday, October 10, 2007

New Couch

Having lived in our current place for well over 3 years, it hasn't been (and will not be) given the interior decorator's touch...nicely put, the house is basic...but in all honesty, it sucks...

Don't get me wrong..i am fine living in "these conditions"...altho Mere might beg to differ...but there is really no need to deck out the joint when we did not have the (original) intention to live here for long...tho we didn't expect to still be here after 3 years!...we are procrastinators lah...

Our furniture are bits and pieces that we have bought/received over the years..our latest acquision is a "new couch"....given to us by the PILs becoz:

1) my FIL thought it was such a steal at $200 from the swap mart *roll eyes*

2) but it didn't match the PIL's furniture

3) our old couch needed replacing

the colour's not great but seriously, whatever....who cares if my furniture matched or not... *shrugs*....only's one of those microfibre ones...comfy for lazy asses like us...but bad also for pple with shaggy us...can't win right?

we now have to resort to laying down the back-rest cushions on the seats whenever we leave the house...thinking that Shiro wld then be unable to jump up and get all comfy with the fluffiness...

how wrong are we....
I caught him snoozing on top of the back-rests one afternoon....not sure how he got himself up there...but so far, at least there hasn't been a repeat performance yet...otherwise, someone's gonna have an appointment with the cane...

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