Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wanna feel like a superstar?

......try autographing 500 christmas cards at one sitting :(

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Australian Idol 2007

We are such idol-watchers here...not fans...but appreciative audiences... :)

The final two weren't disappointing...whichever one won wouldn't have made a difference...we liked both! I guess Mere is happy that the chick won...she did a few songs in the series which he really really liked...

here's a sample of the songs sung by the two finalist during the series:

Natalie Gauci - Man in the Mirror

Natalie Gauci - Umbrella

Matt Corby - The Blower's Daughter

Matt Corby - The Scientist
The winner's single by Natalie was superb, but too bad I can't locate the opera house clip yet....
This year's batch of finalists were probably the best lot we have had...ever...just glad that a certain spoilt brat didn't win...

If you are still patient enough to watch this last clip, then please...i didn't particularly wanted him to win Idol...but I thought this song was done so perfectly, it would be a shame not to have people remember it....

Ben McKenzie - Hide and Seek

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I know I am getting old and out-of-touch...and i am hardly over a quarter-century old...promise I will sort out an account soon....don't rush me!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

If anything, I should have the cleanest and softest clothes in the world!

6 years ago, when i first arrived in inexperience in setting up houses meant that my parents had to come over and help me fit in all the barang barang and make sure i had all the essentials....apparently, knowing how to cook is really not enough to survive on your own....

i still remember how my parents spent their first week in perth scuttling around looking for mundane (but important!) things like extra locks for the apartment, extra light bulbs, detergent, household cleaners etc...and i was just simply interested in selecting bedsheets....

One of the things that was bought during that fateful June in 2001, was a 5L container of Comfort softerner...yes, it's not a's really 5 LITRES...look, my mum has this thing for fabric softerners ok?...i have since moved houses twice and each time I had to take that giant bottle with me....

7 years later (today)....i have finally finished using the last think it was only 2 years ago that i finally used up the 10kgs of washing powder that my mum bought as well....

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I know my last update was on Halloween....and apparently my favourite "Happy Tree Friends" weren't good enough company...yes yes I's been a while....i'm trying my best! honest!!

well, my main excuse for not updating is really coz i was preoccupied with lotsa things...that is the story of my life...either i have so much time on my hands that i am bored to tears OR i will have so much on that i also dunno what to blog abt...for fear u all will be frightened off by my blow-by-blow accounts...i know i am cheong hei...i do admit that...

if you guys really want to on

for starters i was starting on a new job...going abt my normal day to day...learning the ropes of managing the PR for a variety of products...from GPS units to Waterproof iPod cases to other barang-barangs....already busy enuf but the mkting mgr decided to i knew more or less i will be given her role as well...and hopefully with more money...but i was fretting...debating if i shld take more money and significantly increase my workload...or just stick to my usual workload and forgo the extra cash....

i was waiting and waiting for my boss to tell me how much more he was offering me before i decided if i wanted to do both jobs (PR & Mkting) or just stick to doing one (PR or Mkting)...then all of a sudden...i didn't need to make the decision old boss called me back....

ok ok...i exaggerated...he texted me....

so now i am back at my old company with a whole bunch of pple that i truly enjoy working with and for....altho there's a whole heap of new faces...but it still had the same fab vibe....i am really glad this happened....i am not doing anything fact doing less now for a lot more money than before...that always puts a smile on my (money)face!

I just got to learn how to deal with Corporate in Canada and learn not to upset other newer team members (that is another story in itself...seems like i "stole" someone else's role)...i am not a bitch (really!) and i rather make friends than enemies...i swear i honestly want this team dynamic to i am willing to play nice and BE truly nice...

the other thing that i was preoccupied with was Jelly and Mark's u all know i am a kancheong spider* when it comes to vistors...i will prep and fret, prep and fret, prep and fret...from the day the pple arrive to the day they leave...

*Note to potential visitors: not that you are unwelcomed, in fact you are most welcome to stay with us while in Perth..just excuse the worrisome host...

They were here for a week...mainly to take their wedding pics and also have a short break from their hectic schedules...sneak preview of photos available...but I have to photoshop them first...hard work lah (8GBS worth!) that got to wait, obviously....

jelly and mark are back in sg now...they are definitely going thru a rough patch...i hope they will stay strong...condolences to mark and his family....