Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I know my last update was on Halloween....and apparently my favourite "Happy Tree Friends" weren't good enough company...yes yes I know....it's been a while....i'm trying my best! honest!!

well, my main excuse for not updating is really coz i was preoccupied with lotsa things...that is the story of my life...either i have so much time on my hands that i am bored to tears OR i will have so much on that i also dunno what to blog abt...for fear u all will be frightened off by my blow-by-blow accounts...i know i am cheong hei...i do admit that...

if you guys really want to know...read on

for starters i was starting on a new job...going abt my normal day to day...learning the ropes of managing the PR for a variety of products...from GPS units to Waterproof iPod cases to other barang-barangs....already busy enuf but the mkting mgr decided to quit...so i knew more or less i will be given her role as well...and hopefully with more money...but i was fretting...debating if i shld take more money and significantly increase my workload...or just stick to my usual workload and forgo the extra cash....

i was waiting and waiting for my boss to tell me how much more he was offering me before i decided if i wanted to do both jobs (PR & Mkting) or just stick to doing one (PR or Mkting)...then all of a sudden...i didn't need to make the decision anymore...my old boss called me back....

ok ok...i exaggerated...he texted me....

so now i am back at my old company with a whole bunch of pple that i truly enjoy working with and for....altho there's a whole heap of new faces...but it still had the same fab vibe....i am really glad this happened....i am not doing anything new...in fact doing less now for a lot more money than before...that always puts a smile on my (money)face!

I just got to learn how to deal with Corporate in Canada and learn not to upset other newer team members (that is another story in itself...seems like i "stole" someone else's role)...i am not a bitch (really!) and i rather make friends than enemies...i swear i honestly want this team dynamic to work...so i am willing to play nice and BE truly nice...

the other thing that i was preoccupied with was Jelly and Mark's visit....as u all know i am a kancheong spider* when it comes to vistors...i will prep and fret, prep and fret, prep and fret...from the day the pple arrive to the day they leave...

*Note to potential visitors: not that you are unwelcomed, in fact you are most welcome to stay with us while in Perth..just excuse the worrisome host...

They were here for a week...mainly to take their wedding pics and also have a short break from their hectic schedules...sneak preview of photos available...but I have to photoshop them first...hard work lah (8GBS worth!)...so that got to wait, obviously....

jelly and mark are back in sg now...they are definitely going thru a rough patch...i hope they will stay strong...condolences to mark and his family....

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