Sunday, November 18, 2007

If anything, I should have the cleanest and softest clothes in the world!

6 years ago, when i first arrived in inexperience in setting up houses meant that my parents had to come over and help me fit in all the barang barang and make sure i had all the essentials....apparently, knowing how to cook is really not enough to survive on your own....

i still remember how my parents spent their first week in perth scuttling around looking for mundane (but important!) things like extra locks for the apartment, extra light bulbs, detergent, household cleaners etc...and i was just simply interested in selecting bedsheets....

One of the things that was bought during that fateful June in 2001, was a 5L container of Comfort softerner...yes, it's not a's really 5 LITRES...look, my mum has this thing for fabric softerners ok?...i have since moved houses twice and each time I had to take that giant bottle with me....

7 years later (today)....i have finally finished using the last think it was only 2 years ago that i finally used up the 10kgs of washing powder that my mum bought as well....

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