Tuesday, March 3, 2009

No Facebook..EVER!

hate to break it to you guys but i seriously doubt I'll ever get down to owning a facebook account...yeah yeah i am breaking my promise...whatever!

BUT, I've started twitter-ring (if that's what it's called these days)...haha...soooooo much better...no need for the patience of buddah to upload photos....AND if I do have the PATIENCE of buddah, i'll just upload said photos here...

by the way, just wanted to *ahem* recommend a trashy reality TV show that has captured my attention for all 4 seasons already...go watch Ladettes to Ladies...i'm sure you'll find the clip on youtube or something...totally hilarious...i wouldn't normally recommend shows to anyone back home coz you guys are already way ahead of us in the tv stakes, but this..haha! you don't get nudity and vulgarities on free-to-air do you? Anyways, go watch and tell me if it isn't the most funny thing ever! (Dana: have you watched it? is this the place you really want to enrol in?)

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