Monday, March 16, 2009

Of Cheap Airfares and Presents...

yes, i'm only updating my blog coz i have some spare time today from being away from work....i'm just so tired i couldn't bear thinking abt sitting at my desk for 8 hours today...though, i cld be bothered to get up at 7.30am to text my manager and tell him i wasn't coming in...ha!...but in all seriousness, i do have a migraine and a really sore spot towards the mid-left on my back...

Bring on the Cheapie Flights!
I have not had so many vistors in a short span of 2 weeks. Goodness, i think i've caught up with more pple in Perth this past fortnight than the last 2 years combined. Not surprisingly, these happy visits have tossed my otherwise mundane perth life into chaos...i am still recovering from the late night of coversations over tea and chips...

Oh, i do have to give my congratulations to Kevin and Nancy. The sneaky bugger finally proposed while they were in Perth. How apt! I am just so thrilled for these two...everyone's been waiting for them to get hitched! :)

Jun's currently in Perth for her first ever visit to Australia. We met up for a simple bbq dinner at my place last night. This was soon followed by heaps of wine, chocolates and strawberries...Just a taste of how wine-tasting can be like down at Margaret River i suppose...I think Jun's over her allergy to alcohol but she can do better!

I will be catching up with Aileen tonight and hopefully Emily over the weekend. We'll see how we go...i do have an assignment to complete but we'll see...i'll choose meals and drinks over research and writing any day!!

If we weren't married, we would have been dating for 13 years on Sunday. I think after so long, he's finally EMBRACED the element of surprise.

I honestly can't believe he would have bought me a gift and really nice one at that. Someone from the company of turquoise boxes must have naked pictures of him somehow..if not, how on earth did they make a repeat customer out of him? hahaha...nonetheless, i am one very happy person...Thanks dearie!!

He has sworn off more annivarsaries except our "real" one in September. Ah, we'll see.....

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