Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I'll share something with you today. The recipe for Chicken simple you won't believe:

Ingredients List:
Garlic, Spring Onion, Coriander, Chilli
Soy Sauce,
Sesame Oil, Sugar, Salt, White Pepper


Ensure pot has enough water to cover the chicken completely. Bruise 5-7 cloves of garlic and 4-5 large slivers of ginger and add that to the water. Boil Chicken for 20 minutes in the covered pot (25 minutes if Chicken came straight from the fridge) on high to medium heat. Turn off the fire and leave chicken in the pot for a further 10 minutes before taking it out.

Sauce for Chicken
Mix soy sauce, a little bit of sesame oil, a teeny bit of sugar. Add a touch of white pepper and it’s ready to be poured over the cooked chicken.

Coriander (roughly chopped) and spring onion (sliced lengthwise; makes it nice and curly!)

Cook rice as per normal. Use chicken stock from cooking the chicken instead of water. Feel free to ladle in the garlic and ginger from the chicken stock or put in a new batch of garlic and ginger. Add salt before cooking the rice. You can also put in a chicken stock cube if you like (It’s not cheating; I did it!)

Chilli Sauce
Blend chilli and garlic. I usually use a 50-50 ratio but it’s up to you really. You can also include coriander in the blend. Add soy sauce, Japanese rice vinegar (or lemon juice) and sugar.

Ginger paste
That’s just a ginger and spring onion blend. Mixed in with canola oil and salt.


anybody whom have ever been away from Singapore for more than 6 months usually become quite an expert in dishing up Singaporean hawker fare....

maybe next time i'll share somemore "secrets" with you...secrets which anyone of us who has ever been a poor uni student before will know :)

seriously, for those of you who have never left the comfort of your parent's homes, do you know:

  • what flour goes into carrot cake that makes it so chewy?
  • how to successfully rid the stench from pig stomache when you want to make kway chup or peppery pig organ soup?
  • how to make the broth for mee siam from scratch?

you get my drift....

and no, i'm not bragging...all i am trying to say is that you guys have it good back home...if i crave anything that resembles Singaporean cusine, i have to either make it myself or, settle for something cooked by Malaysians, which can be nice, but just not the foodcourt ta-bao for $3 ok...

The only thing strangely that none of us (not that i know of) could ever replicate, was ta-mee...u know, like dried mee pok with fishball, mince pork and mushroom...with chilli! if there is really a secret for it..someone please tell me....

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