Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Singapore June 2009

While I still feel like it, I think better get it all down otherwise it will just disappear into the depths of my memory...it really helps that I'm still on semster break atm...

I'm super glad this time I managed to take close to 100 photos in a short span of 1 week...even though I retained all censorship rights, there are still a good chunk of shots that can be published...hehe...(*ahem* at this point, I'll like to say payments are accepted for the maintenance of personal privacy and the perseverance of dignity)

Here were some of my favourite moments in chronological order...

Zouk/Vivi Nails - Pregnancy News. Unfortunately my reaction was wasted on Jason. I'm really happy for Jelly but this news makes me feel really ooooooooold...as I said before I left, it is going to be strange that the next time we meet she will be pushing a pram and carrying a diaper bag...haha..I may need a bit more time to adjust...still, I look forward to meeting her first-born and no doubt Jelly and Mark will be very excited to show off their little one too...

One hungry mummy...

Pump Room - Smashing place with my favourite gang. What's not to love? Zouk was shit but this place is awesome! It's here that we took the most photos...I had a great night and I am sure everyone else too...ok, except maybe Dana who spent the night and early next morning prostrating at the alter of the porcelain god...

annoyed that the boys spoilt our photos lah! see...real mature!

the poses got worse as more drinks were consumed....

and I swear you guys are a bad influence on Meredith (tsk!)...see the discrepancy?...

At this point, I think the only likely person to pay me to remove photos from here are my husband....

Soup Restaurant/Timbre - Somehow or rather, Mok tends to get us free meals at the Soup Restaurant...no complaints tho...Meredith and I both love the chicken and sweet potato leaves *beams*...we had so much food that day that I honestly was worried we won't be able to finish it all, considering Meredith was the only male at the table since Leon wasn't able to join us...Pity that was the only time I got to catch up with Jun...it was unfortunate she couldn't join us at Timbre that same night, whereby we finally convinced Mok to grab some drinks with us...I believe this was like the first time in more than 4 years (?) since we met Mok for drinks and stayed way past our bedtime...

THIS photo must be framed man...since when have we managed to get Mok out so late at night???

Other noteworthy mentions are my fish-spa experiences..(I was at Kenko twice in 4 days!)..if you want Shiok-Shiok experiences the best person to talk to is really Dana...and our night of KTV...and SPEAKING about KTV...i've got the video as promised...

Look at Jason pretending he doesn't care..somemore pretend clever huh..read to Galvin..I threw the potato chip at him in the end..and he promptly ate it!...anti-climax seriously...Wahahaha...Jason, you better pay me good moola to take down the video....heheheheheh

I apologise for all the mad cramming of activities night after night...I will take into account our ages next time I'm planning to come home for clubbing/chilling/drinking etc...Till Next Time!

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