Saturday, August 4, 2007

Saturday Shopping Spree

This morning started good enough...with a headache from last night's farewell drinks with Carly at the Queen's subsiding almost immediately with two Advils...but I still had to get up at 8am to get ready for a doctor's appointment...

It's such a pain going to my doc''s all the way back into the if I don't go there often enough...I know I work in the bloody city, but there's not enough time during lunch to see the doc ok? Anyways, just needed to go there and confirm if my skin aliment was indeed turning me into a walking mushroom farm, or it's something else...turns out nothing was wrong except for a really serious case of no more hot showers for me..and I have to use those non-commercial body lotions...damnit...
Hence after a nice big plate of fry-up for breakfast, we trotted down to the pharmacy...bought a whole heap of stuff that came to a grand total of $117.

*shake head* Mere couldn't imagine why toiletries came up to so much...all I can say is - dearie, make-up is not cheap and the vitamins to increase your metabolism, well, it's nearly $, c'mon!

After going to the pharmacy, we thought we might walk to my office to get my car...coz I left my car there last I could drink myself silly (as per usual for a Friday evening)...proved to be a bad move...for Mere at least...haha...see, we had to walk past a certain shop...that Mere absolutely hates...

This shop is somewhere I have visited at least 3-4 times over the last few months...looking for something in particular...something I can use...something I need...something expensive...
I mus say, I swear I expected that it will turn out to be another window shopping experience...but...
To Mere's credit...even after the issue at the pharmacy...he was truely the perfect husband :) He even participated in the super drawn-out bag selection process...the chinese sales-lady (all of them are chinese...Don't be surprised...who else buys this sort of stuff?) was really enthu abt getting me to try carrying virtually all the bags in the all colous as well...I felt pretty bad that she had to scale the ladders to reach the stock and after a while I told her not to bother...but she insisted...thank god I did find something I like...if not I would have felt like crap...or worse! buy something I didn't like....

Jason and Dana wld know how long I have antagonised over this...if I were to spend quite a bit of money on a bag, I wld naturally have to find the perfect bag...I have been searching for so many's either I liked the shape but the design was ugly...or vice versa...

I have seen this bag's a simple shape which I like, with the classic monogram (abit iffy abt the classic monogram coz I already have a wallet like that...)...but this is a limited edition piece...they have added a silver thread design to it...pretty pretty pretty!

Also, thank god for the's superb performance against the Euro...I got the bag at nearly $300 cheaper than if I had bought it a few months, Cath, thank goodness I waited!!

I left feeling great of course...and happy that Mere was actually ok with it! You guys don't understand man...but Cath, I know you wld get what I mean...hahaha

The last funny bit to this entire story...remember the stuff we got at the pharmacy?..
Yah, in an obiang translucent white plastic bag...we were happily walking ard the whole shop with it...thinking abt it now really seems so funny...I really thank the sales lady today...for being so professional the whole time (how did she know I will actually make a purchase?) if this was back home, I don't think we wld have gotten the service that we did, considering I had no make-up and Mere was in a fugly, ratty, gray sweater carrying a bag of pads.....


Kim, Meredith & Shiro said...

#@!##@%!! - M

Anonymous said...

Sigh.. When will I get my Dior Gaucho?
I am totally happy for you, of course. And salute to Meredith's show of husbandry support! *applause, applause*

Kim, Meredith & Shiro said...

i am of course very happy with the purchase but still feel a little horrified at myself at the same time...

trying to get over the guilt...but till then...the bag is going to remain in prestine condition...well-hidden from the rest of world in its box...