Friday, September 14, 2007

Culinary Adventures

Not sure why...but I have had some "adventures" with seafood lately...

Just today...I was having some leftover chilli mussels from last nite...and I found a half-digested baby crab in one of them...I only made that discovery when the crunch between my teeth happened and i tasted roe....Nice!

Usually if this happens...i would shrug it off...possibly even thank my lucky stars that i got some yummy crab roe thrown in...(this is someone that happens to like chewing on cooked prawn heads for their cholesterol-laden brains and little black beady eyes that go 'pop' when u bite into them...)

After my incident with the baby crab...i kinda didn't feel like having the rest of my mussels...dunno....really feel like vomiting...

it does take A LOT to make food repulsive for me...i mean...i can honestly eat anything...(expect for bugs and creatures that you don't find in a supermarket)...

i will eat innards...i will eat fish eyes...i will crack the fish's skull to suck at their why the sudden repulsion...i actually dunno....maybe i am getting old?..

tell u guys something esle...something gross...

last week, my FIL saw this frozen conch for sale at the chinese shops...he said he wanted to try it...I didn't think it was going to be good coz i have always used the dried variety for soup...the dried version is tasty (tastes like abalone, serious!...) but I dun think the frozen one was going to be tasty at he wanted it stir-fried...i honestly never heard of anyone using the conch for dishes except soup...

Mere agreed that stir frying wasn't going to soften the conch at he decided to steam it for dinner...with the usual...ginger, garlic, spring onion and sauce...the conch did soften...but it was completely tasteless, save for the taste of the, in our opinion...the frozen conch sucked!...

coz the frozen conch was pretty large...we kept half for for ourselves for the following nite's sure if u know what a conch is essentially a large sea perhaps more like a slug?! anyway...the portion that got kept, was the part where the 2 knobby long bits were..u know, like "feelers"...

I really dunno what happened...but i got seriously grossed out while preparing it for dinner...i was slicing it...and i kept thinking it is a damn SNAIL...i was really close to tossing it away...i was so scared!!!! see, you got to understand, i once freaked out and chucked a whole chinese cabbage away coz there were tiny neon-green caterpillars in it...yes, i cld have simply rinsed them off...but i was when i was faced with this snail/slug...all i cld think off was chucking it away...but i knew i shldn't coz it was like nearly $20 a kilo lah!

So i pep-talked's's not a snail's like abalone...etc...i was nearly done with the slicing...when i realised the damn thing had intestines!!

my god...i wanted to die...i had to pull them out and rised the slices to make sure that there were not remnants of the snail's crap (literally!) gross is that..snail's intestines! i mean's almost like chicken intestines can?..but it's not chicken...its a bloody snail!

i must stress, i have cleaned out chickens and fishes before...blood and guts dun faze me...but snail's innards?!!?!...errghh...thinking abt now just makes my hair stand....

i honestly am off seafood i think...but how? We might be going to the Oyster Bar for our anniversary...Oh, haha...that reminds of a worm-in-my-oyster story...but i'll save that for next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.